Thursday, May 22, 2008
Trash Day

Thursday, May 8, 2008
He's listening...

About a month ago Scott began planning and plotting the removal of the concrete driveway (chipped and crumbling) in front of our house. He wanted to have the driveway resurfaced with asphalt. The cost of the project; expensive and labor intense. A few weeks later, a backhoe turns down our dead-end street and begins tearing out everyone's sidewalks and driveways. We parked ourselves in front of the window and wondered, "what in the world are they doing?" A few more days pass, and we curiously watch the work crew as they begin laying new curbstones, and packing in new dirt with the all-purpose whacker packer (dirt compactor) and prepping for the, you guessed it, resurfacing of our sidewalks and driveways with ASPHALT!
For me, this experience confirms in my heart and mind that God is listening - that He is watching and working in ways in which I am completely clueless. Let's think about the details:
1. The timing (a month after Scott's conversation).
2. The involvement of government employees (remember, we live in Romania)
3. The cost (self explanatory).
4. The labor(which included heavy machinery instead of the physical labor which moves the job along quicker and saves the backs of the laborers).
Are you getting the picture? I believe with all of my heart that this is a gift from my heavenly Father. God whispered into my spirit, "My precious baby girl, oh how I love you. I delight in caring for you. How I long to care for all of my children this way. But, many of my precious lambs aren't paying attention to my care. They overlook how I personally work to comfort them and to provide for them. As I long to care for you, I also long to care for all of my children in this way. Never, forget that, my precious lamb." Oh my Lord you listen, you hear, and you answer in ways beyond what is deserved or expected. I Praise your Holy Name!
Now, I am wondering what God is up to with the abandoned, trash-filled building in front of our house. I believe that He, the almighty, loving King is planning a wonderful surprise for His daughter who lives on Viilor street in house number 4 in Bucharest Romania. With anticipation and expectation, I watch and I wait.