Saturday, October 13, 2007

Max - Our little neighbor

Olivia met Max on Friday. They hit it off immediately. They don't speak each other's language, but they managed to play together. When Max's dad told him it was time to go home, his head dropped and he stood still for the longest time until he finally gave in and walked home. I took some pictures and video of their first play date. Olivia is doing so well - she is adjusting beautifully.


Judy said...

That's my little girlfriend!! Oh , I love this vidio. I thank God for her personality. She adjust so well whereever she goes. She is a wonderful gift from God.
Love, Gram

Patsy said...

Hello Scott, Cindy and Olivia,
I love the cute little video!
As I viewed it, I saw much more than a sweet little girl whirling around showing her friend she was enjoying herself. The picture in my heart was a loving mommy and daddy that had instilled love, confidence and security in a little girl from the time she was born. That confidence, security and freedom just spills out in her sweet, out going personality. She seems like she is comfortable and right at home in Romania.
Thank you so much for setting up the creative, informative, and interesting website. I love knowing what you all are doing.
We continue to think of you often and pray for you continually. I know God has great things ahead for your family.
Love, Patsy