Driving in Bucharest is another cultural lesson – I (Cindy) am proud to say that I do drive now. It took me a few months to get it settled in my mind to do it. It is amazing the level of independence you lose when you go somewhere so foreign, so different. It is also an amazing opportunity to fortify your dependence on God and the faithfulness that He has to fulfill His plan for your life. We are doing our best to not begin "administering changes" right off the bat - why? Because we have so much to learn about what has happened in the past, what is currently happening, and dreaming and planning with an educated understanding for the future. The entire country of Romania is our assignment. We are praying constantly for God's guidance because we truly are walking in the dark. BUT thankfully we aren't in charge, God is, this is His gig. He is leading us one step at a time. We have had to implement some changes that began prior to our coming. Scott has already led his first district assembly as D.S. We have visited our three congregations (Bucharest - capitol city, Sighisoara & Tigmandru - located in central Romania). Through relationship building with our fellow laborers we are learning so much about their culture (attitudes, mind set, daily life, pressures of society, their theology, etc.). God is moving in our churches. He is reconciling souls. He is transforming families. He is building His church.
Olivia is attending a Romanian daycare. Overall she has done well. She has had her moments of adjustment, of course. She is learning Romanian. She has schooled us a few times on how to correctly say a word - funny hu?! We are guessing that in a few more months she will really get it and speak it well. She loves our church and she is settling in well. We are blessed.
We have had the opportunity to travel to Turkey (we were able to visit the ancient cities of Perga and Ephesus), Switzerland, and Bulgaria. We will be going to Macedonia and Hungry in the next few months, and I will be taking a course in Albania in August. God's blessings are rich and abundant, even in the midst of great trial and uncertainty. He is our loving Father, who is full of grace. May He receive all the glory.
Bendiciones queridos hermanos reciban un saludo de sus hermanos Pérez, Oramos por su ministerio, su Bebita esta muy linda, doy gracias a Dios por sus vidas,
hasta pronto.
Mi correo electronico es kapech1995@yahoo.com
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